The Statue, Conversations in Alaska 19 of 50

It’s the beginning of season, early May. I’m still getting to know everyone and vice versa.
I’m helping set up for the first ADC (Alaska Dream Cruise).
I definitely don’t understand what my job is for this cruise, but I am just trying to do my part.
I’m invited into the Hospitality Room to help set-up a display for the guests.
Peter, Eric and I are arranging things. I jokingly tell them that it needs a woman’s touch. Eric is not offended (I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him get offended) and Peter is slightly offended, but not offended. More like annoyed after someone flicks your ear. But really, Peter doesn’t care too much either. They are both Carhartt wearing men who live in Alaska year round. Eric is originally from here but Peter is originally from the PNW.
I continue to tweak and arrange things on the bookshelves and I think they look good. Boutique style, for our privileged guests from the Dream Cruise.
There is a piece of artwork in the hospitality suite. It resembles a piece of trash that took a lot of time and effort to make. But it’s really awkward and weird and doesn’t fit in our office.
Peter looks up and says, under his breath (which is how he says everything): “Yeah. I can’t look at that sculpture the same way.”
I pause. I chuckle. I continue.
“Yeah. Eric told me it was naked.”
I look at Peter. I’m like- why is he belaboring the point?
And then he says “Yeah. She’s got curlies.”
And I die laughing. I’m not sure if I noticed it before but I definitely noticed that Peter said the word “curlies” and that I can’t even.
Last week, Sarah put a diaper on her. It took all season but she’s finally half-dressed.

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