8 Years in 2 Hours: Conversations in Alaska, 31 of 50

We went on a walk along Tongass Avenue, following the water, and chatted about all matter of personal interest from college to family to exes to currents (men) to plans to grief.

You see, I would have featured this conversation several months ago had I considered that I could share about it without dishonoring the natural confidentiality in place. But the mere logistics of our friendship and how many states we’ve lived in since we met is interesting on it’s own. You will not be told the stories we shared! Some things are too special for facebook likes and comments.

In 8 years, it seems her circumstances have been through all manner of topography, but now she is on a certain lighted path. My life, however, has wound from a narrow path, through a marshy bogland and now into an ever-widening landscape of possibility. Hey, for all of my complaining, that sounds pretty awesome. 


We compare notes. She has very insightful and thoughtful responses to my churning mind. I have friend elbows to hear out her latest. You know friend elbows- they prop themselves on tables so you can hold your face in your hands while you listen. Friend elbows support you in times of conversational need. 

But before we got to have casual conversation, we had to cover 8 years of history. Age 22-30, that is a spread of important years, stupid years, valuable. 

So we walked along, sipping from cans of favorite flavored water, and letting the stories present themselves and burst through the door of conversation like staccato cats on a tin roof. We walked for 2 hours. It would take more than one visit to get all caught up. 

We were friends for only a few months in college, just before I graduated. After that we didn’t really talk in between. And now I am in Alaska, now we are looking at our lives wondering about the next five years. Where will we be then? It’s wonderful to have years of stories to cover, however hard, however beautiful or sad, with the backdrop of summer in Alaska beaming down on your friendship reignited. 


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