But Today the Sun Shone So Bright I Needed Sunglasses.
I’m at the mercy of my host, Thomas, who is letting me stay for free (in his bedroom) as he slumbers on the couch. He says he can sleep anywhere because he was in the army. I can’t sleep anywhere but I’m logging lots of bizarre dreams now that everyone in them is a matter of a continent away.
Yesterday, I broke his showerhead. I thought I could tilt it up. I could, in fact tilt it up, but not before snapping it and watching a steady stream flow over my head like a rainbow and dousing the adjacent wall.
So we bought a new one today to the tune of $50.
There was no jaunt to the local hardware store. It was a bus, subway and walk away and then it was figuring out what pieces we needed. It’s not A) buy a new showerhead. It is A: figure out what pieces we need, new hose, new nut trivet thing, and new head. They were all the size 1/2. Now it just perches on the shower head facing the opposite wall. It doesn’t quite fit but he says it is fine. Why do I fuck up shower heads? In the US, they swivel. Here you have to pull it off of the wall and wave it around yourself, I guess? I get that it’s a faster way to bathe your whole body but why can’t the damn thing be content to stay on the wall and SWIVEL.
I ate nutella and pretzels for dinner. Then I drank a beer. Myocardial Monday.
But I did walk for 2 hours today so I am less concerned? How long does this excuse work?
On Saturday I found my local coffee squeeze. It is called a “backerai” (but is it really? I’m not sure that’s actually how it is spelt, but if I googled it, I could tell you) and I know two things: it is open on Sundays, it is cheap, and the barista douses it in cacao powder and I like it. It reminds me of being in Italy and I like that, too.
Yesterday I watched wasps positively swarm around the donuts in the afternoon. The door to the shop was open and I felt like I was being pranked because no one else noticed or cared. Thomas came to meet up and he told me “this is usual” and I thought “now get out of here. get right out. The FDA would swarm on that shit, too.”