Amanda and I went running for the first time together on my second week here.
It was like two gringas were released from captivity and everyone was watching us run to freedom.
I felt like I was on a conveyor belt and the surrounding figures were sitting, standing, watching, glancing, looking, observing, acknowledging, or interacting with the two Estadounidenses running by. It’s better to run together, it’s safer. But it attracts more attention because there are double the foreigners doing double the foreign thing.
I wasn’t sure what to pack for exercise: would yoga pants even be acceptable? Women dress pretty modestly overall, even though you still see ladies in leggings from time to time. The Indigenous women wear very conservative ropa. Once we get to our 2-year sites, this exercise gear might be useless (except for lone yoga in my room).. For now, I am using them in the safety of Ciudad Vieja with a running buddy. I’ve seen other local women exercising in similar clothes, it’s just not that common.
And we were given warning: if you are out running you are going to get attention.
- You should not run alone.
- You should not run after dark.
- Be aware of your surroundings.
- Don’t carry expensive electronics..
- It’s uncommon to see women out running.
- You are going to attract more attention than you’re used to.
Knowing all this in advance is helpful, but it doesn’t help me understand it.
Is it that surprising to see women run? Is it that surprising to see white people? Is it that surprising that we are wearing spandex? What is so surprising?
What surprises me most is hearing “¡Ánimo!” or “Corre, flaca!” as we run. Actually, I have headphones in but Amanda hears it and tells me after. I think “¡Ánimo!” is like “look alive!” or “go girl!”
I’m not criticizing the culture that has been nothing but kind and warm and hospitable to me. I’m recognizing that this is not my culture and it is extremely different from my set of norms.
AND ultimately I’m recognizing that norms are so fascinating: we are all people, doing our thing, right? But how can the anchor of culture cast such extreme tides in different directions?
A whole new world.