Ria dyed my hair, dying it for the first time ever!, and she told me she wanted to pierce her ear. going to pierce her ear. It’s the outer part. If your ear were a[…]
Category: Beauty
A Precious Gentleman on Dock Four | Conversations in Alaska, 23 of 50
“You ladies are doing a great job holding that sign.” Normally Brie and I would think that he was pandering but he was such a sweetie pie, with a slow gait and a classy hat[…]
Job Prodigy on Dude Mountain | Conversations in Alaska 25 of 50
We were still driving to Dude. I guess all the meaty conversation started in the car on the way there. “So Chaz, what do you do in Seattle?” I hate that question. I really hate to[…]
The Atlas and Dinner at the Mayor’s: Conversations in Alaska, 28 of 50
We started clearing the table of all the food we didn’t eat! Left over muscles with bacon and oranges, three salads (we brought one), rice, fried chick peas.. Joe left to pick up his son at[…]
Dinner at the Mayor’s Part 2: Conversations in Alaska, 29 of 50
We sat across from Susie and next to Joe. The distinguished man of the household, former mayor, and elder of the Tlingit community; of course, he posted at the head of the table. The table[…]
Coming Out as a Vegan at the Mayor’s: Conversations in Alaska 30 of 50
http://www.wheretheeaglewalks.com/ Joe Williams is the former mayor of Saxman and the Ketchikan Borough. I first noticed Joe when I saw him starting tours on the dock, wearing a hat with a feather and a beaded embellishment[…]
8 Years in 2 Hours: Conversations in Alaska, 31 of 50
We went on a walk along Tongass Avenue, following the water, and chatted about all matter of personal interest from college to family to exes to currents (men) to plans to grief. You see, I[…]
Bitchslapped by Love on Dude Mountain | Conversations in Alaska: 26 of 50
The three of us are winding through Brown Bear Road or whatever “street” it is that takes us up to the trailhead of Dude Mountain. I’ve wanted to hike Dude all season, but you can’t[…]
Somehow, I want to pray.
I have been feeling led to pray, but most of what I want to say is not about prayer at all. What I want to say is about assumptions and perceptions about religion and religious[…]
The Rainforest & My Greatest Fear
Tonight as I sat at the airport to do a pick-up, the day was at it’s most gorgeous. I forgot my phone at home so I couldn’t capture it and I’m glad I couldn’t. Just[…]