So, Thursday May 26, I went home for a wedding. The travelers among you can understand the compunction of “going home for a wedding” or going to a destination wedding. Traveling for all weddings is[…]
Category: Changes
The Dock | A Day in the Life of a Well-Oiled Job
By week three, I was familiar with the ins and outs of the Dock Job. All things considered, it is a very cush job. Not to mention, I really like it! Even on days when[…]
The Apartment | My Digs in Alaska
On Sunday May 8 (my first day off at my new job) I moved into apartment housing and when I look out my window I can see a boat, mailboxes and trees. Old boats are[…]
My First Hours on the New Job | The Realization
Working in Alaska. Imagine me in galoshes gripping a coffee cup steaming up to my rose-colored cheeks against a backdrop of blue sky and whales breaking the surface of the Pacific ocean to greet me.[…]
7 Days in Ketchikan | Starting Over in Alaska
The sun did not break through today and I did something new: I made hummus from scratch. Even the tahini (sesame seed) was scratch. It’s tasty but it doesn’t taste like humus. Last night[…]
Adjusting and Applying, The Not-so-New-Normal | Harvestehude, Germany
October 27, 2015: There’s a slowing of the wheels in the mind when you’ve been in a place for 2 weeks. I’ve only been here for 12 days and while, to be honest, I’ve been[…]
Comforts are Far Away | Hamburg
Confession: I re-woke at 2:45pm. I could blame it on jet lag except I did this in America more times than I’d like to admit over the last 4 months. Escape from the Gray Sleeping[…]
Anchors Over Acreage | Friendship
How Friendship Tethers How is it that I am in a country, by myself, where I don’t speak the language, don’t know basics like “Excuse me,” “Where is the bathroom?” and “Credit card,” and[…]
Moving | What to Keep
Right Now, there are kind strangers walking through my apartment talking about moving in. Today other kind strangers bought my orange chairs. It feels like everyone is taking a small part of me away, even[…]
Piles | The Onslaught of Change
I’m getting rid of so much of it, and I don’t consider myself a “stuff” gal. I’m not a clothes horse, I make regular excursions[…]