“I think they have balsamic dressing packets like that in the food court.” I laughed. “How does that help me now, Ma’am?” said my id. My superego suggested I keep quiet and won by a[…]
Category: Changes
Living on the Border 3: Soy libre / I am free
I didn’t even see it coming. I never know how I am going to feel as I turn left into the parking lot of the Benedictine Monastery with not a cloud in the sky. With[…]
On The Border 2: Intake for the First Time
(Picture borrowed from Google search of Tucson Benedictine Monastery). I had been getting intake emails since I got added to the list serve with subjects like “50 Guests Arriving at 1pm.” After a 2-hour training[…]
On the Border 1: Intake Training for Immigrant Shelter
After my first week in Tucson, I went to a Desert Doves’ Meeting. Who are the Desert Doves? RPCVs (Return Peace Corps Volunteers) who live in Tucson. All of us individually at some point in[…]
Tempering the Tension | Life after Peace Corps
Good News: when I wrote this post, I was fresh to grad school, Tucson, the USA, my house, modern appliances… I have settled into some kind of rhythm here. Yes, I still feel lost at[…]
What I Miss (Bonus Post): Buen Provecho
I sat at a bar graduation party on a patio, my new roommate’s graduation party, and I didn’t know what to do with my hands. My new roommate has tattoos and a septum ring and[…]
The First Week of Graduate School and My Last Post.
Hello All. It’s a Sunday night and you can catch me writing my blog and procrastinating further studying for a statistics exam tomorrow. Statistics. I want to be a high-school Spanish teacher. I repeat: Spanish.[…]
Moving Across the Country (3): 10 Hours to Arizona
The long-anticipated arrival to Arizona after driving three days from Georgia to start graduate school!
Moving Across the Country (2): Mess with Texas
Driving across East Texas mile marker after mile marker and being hosted by friendly strangers
Moving Across the Country (1) | Atlanta to Marshall, Texas
Since yesterday I’ve been nervous. A pit in my stomach and a glob of feelings in my throat. On my last official day in Atlanta, I had to get my tires rotated, finish packing my[…]