Del tal palo, de tal astilla: of such a stick, of such a splinter (kinda like: the apple doesn’t fall from the tree). This post is about my parents’ visit to Guatemala, which I’ll split[…]
Category: Changes
The Big Cry, Part Two
Continued from The Big Cry (Part One) Clara saw my tears, grabbed my bags and helped me up the concrete steps, my host mom following behind. I immediately went for the medical kit and took[…]
The Big Cry, Part One
In January of 2016, I looked at one button on my computer screen. It was an “Accept Peace Corps Service in Guatemala, September 2016-December 2018” button. I had to click the button then press “Submit.”[…]
A Very Unusual February (in Peace Corps)
It turns out that 31 is not too old to experience something new and unexpected for the first time. If you’re starting to feel moldy from routine, Peace Corps is for you. But I’m referring[…]
El Otro Lado | 75 Palabras in Guatemala
“Su país/hogar/pueblo/de dónde viene” are all terms for the US. Most commonly it is “Los Estados Unidos” (never America- Guatemala is in Central America). Ana María (we’ll call her) is a school secretary. First I[…]
Le invito | 75 Palabras in Guatemala
I’ve been in site for a year on December 6 (wave your hands in the air!). This experience keeps unfolding like backwards origami, or maybe like forwards origami (you know, the normal direction of origami).[…]
La Imagen Corporal | 75 Palabras in Guatemala
La Imagen Corporal, Body Image, is a term I learned working with youth. As I spent the better part of a year teaching healthy self-esteem, positive identity and knowing your value as an individual, in[…]
Terremoto | 75 Palabras in Guatemala
In Guatemala, temblores/tremors are a part of life. Terremotos son otras cosas, they are earthquakes. Terremotos jumble the earth. My host family asked: “Do you have them in your home?” and la verdad es no,[…]
First Time Back | Coming Back to Service
And I left the cab driver who couldn’t get his payment machine to work for me to leave a tip. I felt a little bad but couldn’t do anything. I went through LaGuardia security heaving[…]
First Time Back | Subways and Panini
Before I “get into it,” I want to affirm how great my family is, on so many levels, and I appreciate them perhaps more than ever because absence, time and tortillas make the heart grow fonder.[…]