On July 1, my cousin got married. After 9 months outside the US of A, I was returning for 5 days. In late March I bit the bullet and bought the ticket from Guatemala to[…]
Category: Changes
Mucha Bulla | 75 Palabras in Guatemala
When I moved to site, I treated myself to my first ever bluetooth, wireless speaker. I’m not one for keeping up on technology trends, not until they aren’t exciting and new anymore, then I consider[…]
Mujeron | 75 Palabras in Guatemala
I’m a new woman! Actually, I’m exactly the same. But I’ve had a Mayan makeover (I couldn’t resist the alliteration). I finally acquired a complete set of traje típico: güipil, corte and faja. A Güipil[…]
Aguacate | 75 Palabras in Guatemala
So many beautiful things happened yesterday. And then something hit my back as I walked home from the outskirts. And I saw red. The day started with a 6:40 alarm (early by my standard). I[…]
Póngase de Pie | 75 Palabras in Guatemala
On February 12 when I got back to site, I could not apúrase. I was in the secuelas of Early In-Service Training and all that it encompasses (see: Overstimulation in the Oxford English); I needed[…]
Agua Calcetín | 75 Palabras in Guatemala
Sock Water. It’s the equivalent of saying “tastes like feet.” During training they took us to a nunnery after practicum. Yes that’s right, the nunnery. after practicum. If you wanna talk about strategic moves, that[…]
La Inauguración Part Dos | 75 Palabras in Guatemala
Continuing The First Day of School, January 16, 2017 Camera pulls focus on me in the row of teal chairs in the cancha/basketball court/auditorium. I’m sitting on the end of the row in my recently purchased[…]
La Inauguración | 75 Palabras in Guatemala
January 16. The first day of school. Some days are hard here because it’s different and other days are beautiful here because it’s not the same. This day was both. The following are details as they[…]
Popo | 75 Palabras in Guatemala
At 935 Euclid Avenue a year ago, I got an email. An invitation to join Peace Corps! I wasn’t expecting to hear from them until at least March and it was February 2nd. I just interviewed[…]
Hembra | 75 Palabras in Guatemala
The first week in site, welcome and instructions came in a shower of words from my host mom. Lots of words. At dinner, she’d eat a bite, wipe her mouth and say more. Eat a bite,[…]