The three of us rode along in befuddlement but good spirits to drop Miranda home. You see, we all three walked into a cloud of powerful mace as we were going to The Asylum on the[…]
Category: Company
Conversations in Alaska: “Everyone hates permanence” 47 of 50
Under the harvest moon of open mic night at Fat Stan’s, I shared with one of our naturalists that Nana’s passing has me thinking about getting my first tattoo. I’ve never wanted one, not seriously,[…]
Conversations in Alaska: “Kids Don’t Have to Be Expensive,” 48 of 50
I talked yesterday to a deckhand engineer in his laidback carhartts and button-down cotton shirt. He paused and stood outside Salmon Landing. He said “Where are you coming from?” “I had to deposit some laundry[…]
The Love Museum, The River of Life | Unpeeling in a New Place (& Salmon Spawning)
On a rainy afternoon when you are standing in your galley kitchen with your new roommates, coworkers and friends (three in one), you can take the time to chat about pleasantries, or go over[…]
The Dock | A Day in the Life of a Well-Oiled Job
By week three, I was familiar with the ins and outs of the Dock Job. All things considered, it is a very cush job. Not to mention, I really like it! Even on days when[…]
Striking a Balance | Travel Buddies in Copenhagen
Nicole, a friend of a friend from home, was visiting Germany at the end of a three month European tour. I was so happy to see her because she reminded me of my friend Emily[…]
Copenhagen | While You’re Deciding, Go to Denmark
That’s What I Did. Nicole, an American Friend traveling, came to Hamburg. She arrived on the eve of our weekend in Scandinavia! Fresh off an interesting interview (the most interesting I’ve had), I am bobbing in[…]