Ketchikan has vacuum-shrunk-and-sealed to the size of a small hamster wheel, fishbowl of gossip and once you spawn, EVERYBODY GON’ KNOW ‘BOUT IT. I, personally, do not speak from experience on that situation. I have[…]
Category: Company
“Baby?” Conversations in Alaska | 5 of 50
I stood in a dear friend’s living room in July. I asked “What’s been going on?” I was hung up on a Fisherman, she was hung up on fertility. Different boats. This is what followed: “It’s[…]
Roots and Seasonals, The Great Dichotomy Conversations in Alaska 7 of 50
“I’m not a typical seasonal.” I tell Jack. He is a local who moved here from New York three years ago. He spent his first winter here last year. Originally from Wisconsin, my theory is that[…]
Body. Conversations in Alaska, 9 of 50
She wailed, I listened. She lost weight in the last two years and her body is a completely different one. She’s noticed, unmistakeably, that her friends, strangers, opposite sex, and her own family hold her[…]
“September is breaking my heart!”: Conversations in Alaska, 8 of 50
September 1st rolled around and you could feel it in the air: realization, regret. It’s winding down and the excursions you hoped to take, the hike you were supposed to do and the post you[…]
“If you’re going to be in Madison..” Conversations in Alaska, 6 of 50
First there is the September Regret, when you realize you can’t do everything you wanted and maybe you just started doing some things you just learned you really should have done all along! And the[…]
“If Anyone Has Seen My Green Sweater!” | Conversations in Alaska, 10 of 50
“I literally have a crush on everyone!” “Meatpie. That’s a meatpie alright.” “I could be swayed on that one but I’m not wearing a ring from anyone until we both get the big snip.” “Copper[…]
Nana’s Ring, Conversations in Alaska: 11 of 50
“Okay Natalie” Aunt Sherri says as she flits around the hotel room in her pajama suit, juggling four things at a time like she’s rushed but can’t decide which thing to do first. She randomly interjects:[…]
“This place is a vortex” Conversations in Alaska, 14 of 50
There’s a kid who works at the Doughnut shop/catch-all kiosk in the center of Salmon Landing, first floor. I think he’s there in the afternoons, as I scoot by with a cart full of salmonberry[…]
Respect at the Clan House, Conversations in Alaska: 15 of 50
Brie, Claire and I borrowed Ria’s car and drove to Saxman Native Village. Some googling will tell you that Saxman has authentic replicas of original totem poles, 25 in all, that help Ketchikan boast the totem[…]