A wandering soul read my sign and said “Oysterman?” I laughed, dismissively. “Yep.” He said “Sounds like a super hero.” And a few minutes later he said “Have fun with the super hero” and walked[…]
Category: Conversations in Alaska
Conversations in Alaska: “We saw each other from across the room,” 43 of 50
“So how did you meet your girlfriend?” “Oh my gosh, I haven’t told you this story?” “I’m sure I’ve told you this story. Okay well forgive me if you have, you need to tell me[…]
Conversations in Alaska: “It’s very different in the Mediterranean” 44 of 50
I had this conversation with a young girl, long hair with two black clips, while we were settling under the tent at the front of the Norwegian Pearl. Shorex: “It’s my first day back.” Me:[…]
Conversations in Alaska: “My Mother Wanted Me to Be a Hairdresser” 45 of 50
I have a coworker who is a septuagenarian (in her 70s), and a sassy one at that. She often drinks her coffee out of a steel contigo. Sometimes on the dock when we load one[…]
Conversations in Alaska: “Sometimes I forget we are really weird” 46 of 50
I went to a friend’s house after rehearsal (this was weeks ago), July 20th. I needed to pick up fish to overnight ship to my dad, because we caught it on a fishing trip during[…]
Conversations in Alaska: “I Sprayed Myself with Mace on Accident Once” 47 of 50
The three of us rode along in befuddlement but good spirits to drop Miranda home. You see, we all three walked into a cloud of powerful mace as we were going to The Asylum on the[…]
Conversations in Alaska: “Everyone hates permanence” 47 of 50
Under the harvest moon of open mic night at Fat Stan’s, I shared with one of our naturalists that Nana’s passing has me thinking about getting my first tattoo. I’ve never wanted one, not seriously,[…]
Conversations in Alaska: “Kids Don’t Have to Be Expensive,” 48 of 50
I talked yesterday to a deckhand engineer in his laidback carhartts and button-down cotton shirt. He paused and stood outside Salmon Landing. He said “Where are you coming from?” “I had to deposit some laundry[…]
50 Conversations in Alaska | “The art of conversation” 49 of 50
50 Conversations in Alaska: 49/50 At Safeway, I grabbed a white wine under $10 and queued in the 4-bodied line. It’s always long lines here- island pace? Atlanta would be restless, Chicago would gripe, New[…]