“What is one thing you wish you’d done before you left the States?” “Honestly, this might sound a little odd but I wish I’d taken a bath. That’s a luxury I miss.” “I couldn’t get[…]
Category: Family
Dinner at the Mayor’s Part 2: Conversations in Alaska, 29 of 50
We sat across from Susie and next to Joe. The distinguished man of the household, former mayor, and elder of the Tlingit community; of course, he posted at the head of the table. The table[…]
Healing in Alaska: Mourning amidst the Majesty
It is a radiant eruption of sunshine here in Ketchikan. It’s not common that I’ve seen days this bright, this beaming. The sun is undressed and the mountains are pied: green and brown and gray,[…]
Conversations in Alaska: “My Mother Wanted Me to Be a Hairdresser” 45 of 50
I have a coworker who is a septuagenarian (in her 70s), and a sassy one at that. She often drinks her coffee out of a steel contigo. Sometimes on the dock when we load one[…]
Conversations in Alaska: “Kids Don’t Have to Be Expensive,” 48 of 50
I talked yesterday to a deckhand engineer in his laidback carhartts and button-down cotton shirt. He paused and stood outside Salmon Landing. He said “Where are you coming from?” “I had to deposit some laundry[…]
The Love Museum, The River of Life | Unpeeling in a New Place (& Salmon Spawning)
On a rainy afternoon when you are standing in your galley kitchen with your new roommates, coworkers and friends (three in one), you can take the time to chat about pleasantries, or go over[…]
Nana | The Tough Goodbye, Atlanta
Hours ago, I sat across from Nana and told her. “Nana, I have to tell you something bad and I know you are not going to want to hear it.” Her eyebrows lowered, her face[…]