Mango pits dusted the February pueblo streets: dotting my daily route with off-white pits decorated by stringy remains. One day in January there are no mangos and the next day there are mango pits everywhere[…]
Category: Guatemala
The Big Cry, Part Two
Continued from The Big Cry (Part One) Clara saw my tears, grabbed my bags and helped me up the concrete steps, my host mom following behind. I immediately went for the medical kit and took[…]
The Big Cry, Part One
In January of 2016, I looked at one button on my computer screen. It was an “Accept Peace Corps Service in Guatemala, September 2016-December 2018” button. I had to click the button then press “Submit.”[…]
El USB and La Prédica | Pueblo Press Issue Two
I did not know what upset I had caused. I went to school (like normal) and when I got there the door was locked and I waited with the errant alumnos who were late (like[…]
A Very Unusual February (in Peace Corps)
It turns out that 31 is not too old to experience something new and unexpected for the first time. If you’re starting to feel moldy from routine, Peace Corps is for you. But I’m referring[…]
El Lustrador | Pueblo Press Issue One
The Pueblo Press is a series based on the strange, intriguing experience of living, working and existing in a Mayan pueblo in rural Guatemala as a US American woman. This is my second year living[…]
I’ll Be Home for Christmas (2017)
Since I booked my trip in August (through my parents’ generous sponsorship), the thought of going back to the United States for Christmas shimmered in the wintry distance. I would say it was a “much-deserved”[…]
El Otro Lado | 75 Palabras in Guatemala
“Su país/hogar/pueblo/de dónde viene” are all terms for the US. Most commonly it is “Los Estados Unidos” (never America- Guatemala is in Central America). Ana María (we’ll call her) is a school secretary. First I[…]
Agallas | 75 Palabras in Guatemala
October 30th, 2017: Tonight I switched on National Geographic in the hotel. The brownish tile floors, standard flat but not sinking mattresses and the thin blanket are all second nature. But the showers have hot[…]
Le invito | 75 Palabras in Guatemala
I’ve been in site for a year on December 6 (wave your hands in the air!). This experience keeps unfolding like backwards origami, or maybe like forwards origami (you know, the normal direction of origami).[…]