I hadn’t made it to my house when I saw a familiar face on the corner. She was holding a young hand, the eldest of Doña Cecilia and I couldn’t remember the father’s name. “Y mi[…]
Category: K’iche’
Guatemala, Mi Amor: Day Two (The Return)
I watched the driver reach for the machete with his free hand as we careened across the InterAmerican Highway. With his hand clasping the wheel, he used the machete to push something unstuck. There we were, all[…]
Guatemala, Mi Amor: Day One, Phoenix to Mexico to Guate to Mayan Punishment
After much separation anxiety, I decided to leave my computer in my small apartment in Phoenix. For lack of a better term, I call Phoenix home. As a woman living alone, and just becoming more[…]
Las montañas: Returning to Guatemala, 1
So, I booked a trip. I’ve been lucky to book so many before, but this one took some plotting. All of the layovers on the US dollar looked egregious: red eyes on opposite coasts, or[…]
It takes bravery to be a teacher
Before I begin this post, I adhere to the rules of FERPA: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. I will never reveal my students’ identities, their performance in my classes, or reveal anything about them[…]
The Traverse and the Reunions: Returning to Ketchikan (2)
“Alaska lulled me here on some sort of fantasy.” I thought as I ran up and down the hills of the residential streets. I pushed myself to scale them because I am trying to keep[…]
Living on the Border 3: Soy libre / I am free
I didn’t even see it coming. I never know how I am going to feel as I turn left into the parking lot of the Benedictine Monastery with not a cloud in the sky. With[…]
On the Border 1: Intake Training for Immigrant Shelter
After my first week in Tucson, I went to a Desert Doves’ Meeting. Who are the Desert Doves? RPCVs (Return Peace Corps Volunteers) who live in Tucson. All of us individually at some point in[…]
TOURING GUATEMALA (3): Unplugged in Semuc Champey
We woke up on our third day of travel in Flores, and made it onto the bus without a problem. This time we would not wait for the bus to come to us, like the[…]
T-Minus Guatemala (Peace Corps Ending): Ringing That Bell
I’ve imagined the bell-ringing since the third week of service. An RPCV (return Peace Corps Volunteer) finished her service as we were starting ours, and she had a ceremony and she was kind enough to[…]