Be sure to read 1 and 2 first! DAY SEVEN: Panajachel is the biggest tourist hub on Lake Atitlán. Lake Atitlán is a popular Guatemalan destination, it’s stunningly beautiful, and it’s got “lake towns” scattered[…]
Category: Leaving
I’ll Be Home for Christmas (2017)
Since I booked my trip in August (through my parents’ generous sponsorship), the thought of going back to the United States for Christmas shimmered in the wintry distance. I would say it was a “much-deserved”[…]
El Otro Lado | 75 Palabras in Guatemala
“Su país/hogar/pueblo/de dónde viene” are all terms for the US. Most commonly it is “Los Estados Unidos” (never America- Guatemala is in Central America). Ana María (we’ll call her) is a school secretary. First I[…]
First Time Back | The Last Day in New York
On Monday July 3 I woke up in a hotel on the corner of 7th and 51st, Midtown Manhattan. My sister and brother-in-law had already found a place for breakfast/lunch (we slept in!). As we[…]
Week 8 Reveals Fate, Convent, Volcano
Practicum ended (week 7) and we all ran for the hills. Not really. What I actually did was enjoy a Saturday in Antigua and torteared on Sunday and then returned to life as I knew it[…]
The Beginning: Week One In Guatemala
Genesis 1:1: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. In the beginning (anew), I moved to Guatemala. I remember when I started my big Euroventure and I also had no idea what[…]
WATCHING AND WRINKLED. 10:32pm That Night: At the end of Day One in the Peace Corps AKA Staging, I ironed my teal shirt. In real life I don’t iron. But It’s my last night in America.[…]
Returning to Atlanta: First 48 Hours
This time, Going to Atlanta is Like Eating Change Breakfast. Have you ever eaten Change Breakfast? It’s When You Go to a Restaurant Because You Have to Eat And You Order Food Because That’s What You Do[…]
“Alaska, You’re the Best Kind of Breaking My Heart!”
I’m going to tell you something about Ketchikan that no one knows: the clouds are drippy faucets in clever marshmallow costumes. A few years ago I fell in love with John Green. He writes Youth[…]
Preparing to Go, How I Leave Ketchikan.
Guess what I learned? You can’t be sad about leaving a place you love while you’re still there loving it. Try as you might. That don’t make no sense. My Last Day, Sunday September 18[…]