If you live in America Central, you might use camionetas to get around. At 3 quetzales for a short ride, 3 quetzales equaling less than 50 cents, you can take the bus for 20 minutes at this price. To[…]
Category: Mountains
Week Five: A Clearing
It takes five weeks for an embryo to look like this: Yep, that’s right, a weird ass octopus the size of a sesame seed. At five weeks “You may notice some pregnancy-related discomforts already. Many[…]
Week 4: El Sol Está Brillando Otra Vez
Through extended pillow time, friend time, and interesting field trips, I found my sunny place again. Improvements: -We had class at my house and a special event on Monday (meetings with all the host moms) This means[…]
The Beginning: Week One In Guatemala
Genesis 1:1: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. In the beginning (anew), I moved to Guatemala. I remember when I started my big Euroventure and I also had no idea what[…]
“Alaska, You’re the Best Kind of Breaking My Heart!”
I’m going to tell you something about Ketchikan that no one knows: the clouds are drippy faucets in clever marshmallow costumes. A few years ago I fell in love with John Green. He writes Youth[…]
“So This is Ketchikan,” (The First) Conversation in Alaska | 1 of 50
I texted Danielle- “Just landed!” at 4:05pm on Friday April 15th. “Okay! Slight change of plans. We will be picking you up with a boat as of right now. Some of us have to do[…]
But How Small Is This Town?, Conversations in Alaska | 4 of 50
Ketchikan has vacuum-shrunk-and-sealed to the size of a small hamster wheel, fishbowl of gossip and once you spawn, EVERYBODY GON’ KNOW ‘BOUT IT. I, personally, do not speak from experience on that situation. I have[…]
The Scrambled Departure: Leaving the Rainforest
Yesterday: Dude. I just got hit by a mack truck called Alaska. It’s none of the things you might visualize. I wasn’t even crossing the street. I crossed the Tongass Narrows on a 1.25 minute ferry[…]
2nd Intro Peace Corps Phone Call | Conversations in Alaska, 12 of 50
“What is one thing you wish you’d done before you left the States?” “Honestly, this might sound a little odd but I wish I’d taken a bath. That’s a luxury I miss.” “I couldn’t get[…]
Til the Last Drip | Leaving the Rainforest, 1
I’m not one for schmaltz. Who Am I Kidding. I am one for Schmaltz. You know the scene in The Sound of the Music (the lovely film) when Julie Andrew’s Maria is dancing with the[…]