It’s July 15. It’s my Grandmother’s birthday. I’m in Southeast Alaska, the nation’s largest national rainforest. It rains 13 feet a year annually in Ketchikan. But today it’s all sun and civilized life as I[…]
Category: Moving
Dinner at the Mayor’s Part 2: Conversations in Alaska, 29 of 50
We sat across from Susie and next to Joe. The distinguished man of the household, former mayor, and elder of the Tlingit community; of course, he posted at the head of the table. The table[…]
Conversations in Alaska: “Kids Don’t Have to Be Expensive,” 48 of 50
I talked yesterday to a deckhand engineer in his laidback carhartts and button-down cotton shirt. He paused and stood outside Salmon Landing. He said “Where are you coming from?” “I had to deposit some laundry[…]
The Apartment | My Digs in Alaska
On Sunday May 8 (my first day off at my new job) I moved into apartment housing and when I look out my window I can see a boat, mailboxes and trees. Old boats are[…]
My Third Day in Alaska | Catch Me If You Ketchikan
This post highlights the first three rainy days in Alaska. I moved here for a Summer job working on a dock. Fastforward: I returned from Germany after an extended travel across the Eastern Mediterranean (Turkey,[…]
Adjusting and Applying, The Not-so-New-Normal | Harvestehude, Germany
October 27, 2015: There’s a slowing of the wheels in the mind when you’ve been in a place for 2 weeks. I’ve only been here for 12 days and while, to be honest, I’ve been[…]
Should I Stay or Should I Roam Now? | Hamburg, Germany
The Interview: I sat across a coral-lipped bilingual Brit, who was born in Germany, wearing high-waisted pinstripe “trousers” with a coiffure like Selma Blair’s. I’ll never be cool. I was meeting with her to get[…]
An Old Friend, A New Shower Head | Hamburg-Nord, Germany
But Today the Sun Shone So Bright I Needed Sunglasses. I’m at the mercy of my host, Thomas, who is letting me stay for free (in his bedroom) as he slumbers on the couch. He[…]
Starting Over in Germany and Sunshine | Hamburg
As a young hamster bred on the West Coast of Florida, I learned early and often to curse the oppressive sun. Not only did it greet you, it stole your joy with it’s glaring beams[…]
Why Do You Think I’m So Lucky? | Hamburg
I was shopping with a friend in Trader Joe’s. I hate running into acquaintances in public because the conversation is usually forced, engineered or clammy. When do you leave a short chat with someone you[…]