We get to the lobby at 3:30am and get on the bus at 4. We arrive to the airport by 5. Apparently the driver got lost and Gladys had to tell him where to go.. It[…]
Category: Not From Here
Song & Storytelling: The Events Before I Go
Act One: Five days before I flew away, Laura and I performed The Last Five Years. It took five minutes and a handshake to reserve the Arctic Bar patio. Tom Thompson donated the equipment. Brooke[…]
“So This is Ketchikan,” (The First) Conversation in Alaska | 1 of 50
I texted Danielle- “Just landed!” at 4:05pm on Friday April 15th. “Okay! Slight change of plans. We will be picking you up with a boat as of right now. Some of us have to do[…]
Drumming in Zimbabwe, Conversations in Alaska | 3 of 50
A fella greeted me from behind the counter. He said “I can’t run the register but I can go ahead and make your food. What are you getting?” I don’t eat out much in Ketchikan[…]
Roots and Seasonals, The Great Dichotomy Conversations in Alaska 7 of 50
“I’m not a typical seasonal.” I tell Jack. He is a local who moved here from New York three years ago. He spent his first winter here last year. Originally from Wisconsin, my theory is that[…]
The Scrambled Departure: Leaving the Rainforest
Yesterday: Dude. I just got hit by a mack truck called Alaska. It’s none of the things you might visualize. I wasn’t even crossing the street. I crossed the Tongass Narrows on a 1.25 minute ferry[…]
“September is breaking my heart!”: Conversations in Alaska, 8 of 50
September 1st rolled around and you could feel it in the air: realization, regret. It’s winding down and the excursions you hoped to take, the hike you were supposed to do and the post you[…]
“This place is a vortex” Conversations in Alaska, 14 of 50
There’s a kid who works at the Doughnut shop/catch-all kiosk in the center of Salmon Landing, first floor. I think he’s there in the afternoons, as I scoot by with a cart full of salmonberry[…]
Respect at the Clan House, Conversations in Alaska: 15 of 50
Brie, Claire and I borrowed Ria’s car and drove to Saxman Native Village. Some googling will tell you that Saxman has authentic replicas of original totem poles, 25 in all, that help Ketchikan boast the totem[…]
Til the Last Drip | Leaving the Rainforest, 1
I’m not one for schmaltz. Who Am I Kidding. I am one for Schmaltz. You know the scene in The Sound of the Music (the lovely film) when Julie Andrew’s Maria is dancing with the[…]