JT comes in from his tri-nightly cigarette break. He is in his 40s, originally from Kodiak, wears house slippers and keeps to himself usually. When he walks in the door, he faintly whistles through his[…]
Category: Not From Here
“The Goods Are Odd but the Odds are Good” Conversations in Alaska, 17 of 50
I meet Molly at Fat Stan’s. I don’t really know her that well, but I remember when we first met on the Nona. I got picked up from the airport on a boat. Still a[…]
“Tell the Lady with the Bird..” Conversations in Alaska, 18 of 50
We finished loading the tour. I was at 2, in front of the Volendam, directing folks to 3. Merek was at Sockeye Sams with the flag, intercepting guests from 4 and 2 and sending them[…]
Eagles & Hair Dye & Piercings Oh My | Conversations in Alaska, 20 of 50
Ria dyed my hair, dying it for the first time ever!, and she told me she wanted to pierce her ear. going to pierce her ear. It’s the outer part. If your ear were a[…]
1st Intro Peace Corps Call, Conversations in Alaska | 21 of 50
It’s July 15. It’s my Grandmother’s birthday. I’m in Southeast Alaska, the nation’s largest national rainforest. It rains 13 feet a year annually in Ketchikan. But today it’s all sun and civilized life as I[…]
A Precious Gentleman on Dock Four | Conversations in Alaska, 23 of 50
“You ladies are doing a great job holding that sign.” Normally Brie and I would think that he was pandering but he was such a sweetie pie, with a slow gait and a classy hat[…]
The Atlas and Dinner at the Mayor’s: Conversations in Alaska, 28 of 50
We started clearing the table of all the food we didn’t eat! Left over muscles with bacon and oranges, three salads (we brought one), rice, fried chick peas.. Joe left to pick up his son at[…]
Coming Out as a Vegan at the Mayor’s: Conversations in Alaska 30 of 50
http://www.wheretheeaglewalks.com/ Joe Williams is the former mayor of Saxman and the Ketchikan Borough. I first noticed Joe when I saw him starting tours on the dock, wearing a hat with a feather and a beaded embellishment[…]
Conversations in Alaska: The Pot Shop, 36 of 50
I helped my friend straighten out the Tibetan Prayer Flag on his deck. It’s extremely windy here, and rainy, and he lives on top of a tunnel where there’s probably a serious updraft. If that’s[…]
Conversations in Alaska: “There should only be Tsimshian People in this line” 37 of 50
I stood in the unrelenting sunlight all day to load passengers to to go Annette Island. About 1,400 people live on Annette Island and every year they celebrate Founder’s Day (they were founded in 1887). It’s[…]