I pass street kids milling about with their fishing poles, unironically, all season long on my walk to work. I see the same handful of them coming into my apartment in the alley. I’ve never met them,[…]
Category: Not From Here
Conversations in Alaska: “Sometimes I forget we are really weird” 46 of 50
I went to a friend’s house after rehearsal (this was weeks ago), July 20th. I needed to pick up fish to overnight ship to my dad, because we caught it on a fishing trip during[…]
50 Conversations in Alaska | “The art of conversation” 49 of 50
50 Conversations in Alaska: 49/50 At Safeway, I grabbed a white wine under $10 and queued in the 4-bodied line. It’s always long lines here- island pace? Atlanta would be restless, Chicago would gripe, New[…]
The Party | Tales of a Small Town
There aren’t many ways to tell this story without it sounding like a cautionary tale. Perhaps it is, only time will tell. Going back in time Circa May 6, 2016 on a boat called the[…]
The Audition | Reuniting with a Dream Adrift
Without being goaded much (twist my arm why don’t you), I auditioned for the 50th production of Ketchikan’s Original Musical: Fish Pirate’s Daughter. At first, I heard it was very cheesy and that I shouldn’t[…]
A Small Town in a Rainforest and Moon Jellyfish | My First Day
This will be the most unique Day One of any job I’ve had. To start, I’m the only person, and I mean the only person except for Claire to my right, not wearing a hoodie.[…]
7 Days in Ketchikan | Starting Over in Alaska
The sun did not break through today and I did something new: I made hummus from scratch. Even the tahini (sesame seed) was scratch. It’s tasty but it doesn’t taste like humus. Last night[…]
Adjusting and Applying, The Not-so-New-Normal | Harvestehude, Germany
October 27, 2015: There’s a slowing of the wheels in the mind when you’ve been in a place for 2 weeks. I’ve only been here for 12 days and while, to be honest, I’ve been[…]
An Old Friend, A New Shower Head | Hamburg-Nord, Germany
But Today the Sun Shone So Bright I Needed Sunglasses. I’m at the mercy of my host, Thomas, who is letting me stay for free (in his bedroom) as he slumbers on the couch. He[…]