Reflecting on Service and General Updates On Me.
Category: Realizations
Fin de Semana with My Golden Ladies
My host family and I can kick it with K’iche’ slang. Do not get me wrong, they are respectful, dignified and hard-working women, but from time to time we like to say things that elicit[…]
Hi-Lo 3: Holding Hands and Africa
The weekend was ending. I was excited to get back to Santa Clara, to my bed, to my home. We bid Ryan goodbye, Sabrina and I, and got on a bus. The first of many.[…]
La Noche Cultural | The Second Part
Check-out the first part first! It is past dark and the program begins. I must say, Seño Graciela looks beautiful. She is wearing the traje típico of Santa Clara, the classic pattern with a simple[…]
Touring vs. Foreigning | Encountering Tourists while in Peace Corps
I’m a long-term foreigner with an expiration date. The following terms don’t quite apply: transplant, resident or visitor. Each of those has a defining set of circumstances that doesn’t fit that of a Peace Corps[…]
El USB and La Prédica | Pueblo Press Issue Two
I did not know what upset I had caused. I went to school (like normal) and when I got there the door was locked and I waited with the errant alumnos who were late (like[…]
El Lustrador | Pueblo Press Issue One
The Pueblo Press is a series based on the strange, intriguing experience of living, working and existing in a Mayan pueblo in rural Guatemala as a US American woman. This is my second year living[…]
La Imagen Corporal | 75 Palabras in Guatemala
La Imagen Corporal, Body Image, is a term I learned working with youth. As I spent the better part of a year teaching healthy self-esteem, positive identity and knowing your value as an individual, in[…]
Delantal | 75 Palabras in Guatemala
So….. This is not my first time writing about the wonders of Guatemalan indigenous clothing: traje típico. It’s the traditional clothing of the Mayan culture that is utilized in the pueblos of Guatemala. Each region[…]
A Year of Being Foreign: My One-Year Anniversary in Guatemala!
Here are my: (fairly) Unfiltered Thoughts on Volunteering, Privilege, and the Impact of (Elected) Foreignness in the course of Peace Corps Service Year One. I made it! One Year In Guatemala. What could be lovelier?[…]