Dios Mío. There aren’t other words. But this is a blog, so there are. On my second-to-last Monday in site (the 18th) I got myself out of bed, showered, coffee-powered and out the door to[…]
Category: T-minus Guatemala
T-Minus Guatemala (Peace Corps Ending): The First Goodbye Lunch
Upon returning from the Master Stylist workshop excursion in Huehue, the nice Indianans dropped me off at my highway stop. I waited for buses while I called my sister to catch up. I was so[…]
T-Minus Guatemala (Peace Corps Ending): Translating For The Master Stylist
On our last day, our group of 16 stood in a large circle while the youth gave us palabras de agradecimiento. They also gave each one of us Estadounidenses little gifts to take home, recuerdos[…]
T-Minus Guatemala (Peace Corps Ending): How To Lose A Pueblo in 10 Days
It’s 11pm on a Sunday night. It’s my second to last Sunday in site. Tomorrow I have a session to observe and some tasks to accomplish, and then I go to another school in the[…]
T-Minus Guatemala (Peace Corps Ending): Taking My Chances on the Border of Guatemala at the Border of Service (2)
I stepped out onto the patio with a toothbrush and retainers in hand, still in my pajamas at 10am, in a place I am just getting to know: a coffee farm in Huehuetenango. What did[…]
T-Minus Guatemala (Peace Corps Ending): Taking My Chances on the Border of Guatemala at the Border of Service (1)
As of today, I have 18 days left in service. My Peace Corps days are numbered.. ‘son contados’ says my host sister Clara. And many magical things are happening between the moments of uncertainty and[…]
T-Minus Guatemala (Peace Corps Ending): Theology, Tortilla Tears & Talent Show Tuesday
For those of you just tuning in, and for those of you who aren’t, thank you. This is my last month of Peace Corps. I am learning, as I continue to grow as a human,[…]
T-Minus Guatemala (Peace Corps Ending): Lunes sin luces
I woke up in enough time to get dressed and go to morning school. I already felt the lethargy heavy on my eyelids but I kept going. I figure, every step I take is a[…]
T-Minus Guatemala (Peace Corps Ending): Sunday is for Sweaty San Juan Subidas
For the third time in 2019, I planned to hike Volcán San Pedro and for the third time, I hiked the Mayan Nose instead. Probably for the best because the internet says San Pedro full[…]
T-Minus Guatemala (Peace Corps Ending): Viernes is for Vapor and Visme
One of my last Fridays in Santa Clara