“Take a picture of me!” she said and ran close to a Jumping Cholla (which we thought was a Joshua Tree). I didn’t think to shout be super careful; cactus having a way of seeming[…]
Category: Tucson
Driving to México
This post may be triggering on the topic of anxiety and mortality. México is the most misunderstood country I’ve ever been to. It is stunning. It is a hidden gem. It is full of fighters[…]
It takes bravery to be a teacher
Before I begin this post, I adhere to the rules of FERPA: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. I will never reveal my students’ identities, their performance in my classes, or reveal anything about them[…]
On the Border (4): The Lecture
In this post, I write about a lecture I attended. To reference the slides from the lecture, here they are. I had a wonderful Monday. Not even as Mondays go, but like, a wonderful day[…]
Bombsalmic Vinaigrette at Tucson Airport
“I think they have balsamic dressing packets like that in the food court.” I laughed. “How does that help me now, Ma’am?” said my id. My superego suggested I keep quiet and won by a[…]
Living on the Border 3: Soy libre / I am free
I didn’t even see it coming. I never know how I am going to feel as I turn left into the parking lot of the Benedictine Monastery with not a cloud in the sky. With[…]
On The Border 2: Intake for the First Time
(Picture borrowed from Google search of Tucson Benedictine Monastery). I had been getting intake emails since I got added to the list serve with subjects like “50 Guests Arriving at 1pm.” After a 2-hour training[…]
On the Border 1: Intake Training for Immigrant Shelter
After my first week in Tucson, I went to a Desert Doves’ Meeting. Who are the Desert Doves? RPCVs (Return Peace Corps Volunteers) who live in Tucson. All of us individually at some point in[…]
Tempering the Tension | Life after Peace Corps
Good News: when I wrote this post, I was fresh to grad school, Tucson, the USA, my house, modern appliances… I have settled into some kind of rhythm here. Yes, I still feel lost at[…]
What I Miss (Bonus Post): Buen Provecho
I sat at a bar graduation party on a patio, my new roommate’s graduation party, and I didn’t know what to do with my hands. My new roommate has tattoos and a septum ring and[…]