I had this conversation with a young girl, long hair with two black clips, while we were settling under the tent at the front of the Norwegian Pearl. Shorex: “It’s my first day back.” Me:[…]
Category: Work
Conversations in Alaska: “My Mother Wanted Me to Be a Hairdresser” 45 of 50
I have a coworker who is a septuagenarian (in her 70s), and a sassy one at that. She often drinks her coffee out of a steel contigo. Sometimes on the dock when we load one[…]
Conversations in Alaska: “Kids Don’t Have to Be Expensive,” 48 of 50
I talked yesterday to a deckhand engineer in his laidback carhartts and button-down cotton shirt. He paused and stood outside Salmon Landing. He said “Where are you coming from?” “I had to deposit some laundry[…]
Factors Out Of Your Control | The Crash & The Spiritual Leader
Sometimes things go wrong and there’s no way understanding it, except to adjust and learn perhaps, in the adjustment, why things crash to begin with. One day in June (I was doing pick-ups from[…]
Summer in Alaska: The Tourists
Around the end of May, summer is in full swing here in Ketchikan. At 11am on any given Sunday or any other day you’re given, Historic Creek Street is a cluster of tourists, all standing[…]