That’s What I Did.
Nicole, an American Friend traveling, came to Hamburg. She arrived on the eve of our weekend in Scandinavia!
Fresh off an interesting interview (the most interesting I’ve had), I am bobbing in indecision. My plan to live in Europe flickers like an old attic light. I am being asked “What is your plan?” and it’s more clear than ever that I am fresh out of plans. I suppose I have a plan if I can surround it with air quotes but I don’t like it so I refuse to deem it as such.
The Reasons:
I came to Europe to find work teaching English because:
I was told it was easy as a native speaker
My friend was coming here
I had a blast in this city when I was last here
I know a cute boy here
The Outcomes:
I came here
Getting work here would involve
spending more money than I want to by:
Paying for a work permission
Hiring an insurance broker and paying for monthly insurance
Paying for German classes
Paying…. RENT
I haven’t seen the cute boy.
The New Plan:
Eat Nutella
Eat cheese
Drink Beer
Go to Denmark for the weekend with your American friend
En Route to Copenhagen:
So we took a 5-hour bus ride which included an hour ferry ride (yes, the big old bus drove onto the ferry!)
We stayed in The Copenhagen Downtown Hostel
The Danes, like the Germans, speak English