There aren’t many ways to tell this story without it sounding like a cautionary tale. Perhaps it is, only time will tell.
Going back in time Circa May 6, 2016 on a boat called the St. Nona, a beautiful man and his boss spoke to a group of trainees. The beautiful man, come to find out, is called Jack. The company he worked for was called SAIL. So: Jack from SAIL.
I immediately noticed: A: how beautiful he was and B: how good he was at his job. There was a woman in a wheelchair whose name I can’t remember, Gwenn! It was Gwenn I believe, and she participated in the presentation as a person who has a disability. Jack very eloquently explained the importance of giving the agency to the person to whom you are giving assistance. Ask them if you may touch them on the shoulder before touching them on the shoulder, always speak to the person who has the disability rather than their caretaker so that you are speaking to them, not about them. I walked away with a lot of information and things I hadn’t considered before. They also talked about the appropriate language to use with folks who are in wheelchairs. You always start with the word “Person who is in a/has a” rather than “Wheelchair Bound Person” or “Paralyzed Person” “Disabled person” etc.. It’s best to lead with the word person: “Person who has a visual disability,” etc. I made sure to pipe up about the demographic we serve potentially having a memory problem (dementia, etc) and responding with respect in every situation. If they ask you a question they’ve already asked you, make sure that you respond with respect as if they are asking you the first time. I used my Nana as an example. Not only would I have mentioned my Nana in any case, but it didn’t hurt that I wanted to get the attention of Cute Jack from SAIL.
Now SOMEHOW word got out about my eye on Jack from SAIL but it’s hard to say how that happened.
Next week in the office, I asked about Jack from SAIL. I had to tell Kristi (my ride-or-die chick) so that I could confide in someone about my crush. I told her that I thought Jack from SAIL was cute, and then I told her Mom that I also thought he was cute.
That’s Two.
I mentioned to my boss Jaimie that I liked Jack from SAIL because research (you know, putting the feelers out) and Sarah and Danielle were both in the office when that happened because: the more the merrier. It wasn’t before long that I told my boss, Suzanne, and the other Dock Rep Johnathan that I had my eye on Jack from SAIL because camaraderie amongst coworkers.
That’s Seven.
And of course I told my roommates because, bonding, so Claire and Jazmin knew about Jack from SAIL.
So, a few weeks after the day that I met Jack from SAIL, I decide that I should call SAIL and invite Jack to the season opener party.
I get the number from Jaimie, and Danielle and Sarah are both in the office as this is happening.
A man picks up: “Hello?”
“Hi. Is Jack available?”
“Oh I’m sorry he’s just left, is there something I can help you with?”
“Well I am calling as a trusted partner. Would you be able to give me his mobile phone number?”
“Well, I can’t necessarily do that. How do I know what trusted partner you are…?”
(At this point, Jaimie, Danielle and Sarah are all unsuccessfully stifling their laughter and awe”)
“Oh- This is Natalie from Allen Marine. I am just calling to invite him to the Season Opening Party.”
“Oh. Okay, I see. Well I – I can’t give out his number because it’s just not something that we do. Tell you what, why don’t you give me your mobile and I will pass along the message?”
Which is precisely what I did.
I run off to greet the incoming tour on Berth Three and to settle with the Shore Ex. I’m walking from the tour and I see that Danielle called. I call Danielle back.
“Hey what’s up?”
“Hey, are you still in the office?”
“Oh no I’m not. I just greeted a tour. Why, what’s going on?”
“Well we just ran into Jack from SAIL.”
“Oh my gosh I have to settle I’ll call you back!”
“Okay okay go settle!”
“Okay okay bye!!”
I settle, I call back- Danielle doesn’t pick up.
I go home to curl my hair- obvi- and I text Danielle.
“Hi I called you, you didn’t call me back!”
“Yes Jaimie and Sarah wouldn’t let me pick up the phone.”
“Sarah says not to tell you because they want to see the look on your face.”
I’ve gone to the party and I’m helping get ready. I’m jumpy because I’m expecting Jack to appear at any moment and that’s when I jump into the Pacific Ocean.
Jack from SAIL doesn’t appear, I don’t jump into the Pacific Ocean.
However, I made a move. If subtlety was ever a concern, I’ve just as well obliterated that possibility.
In the meantime, I seem to walk past him all the time and pretend like nothing’s happening and I don’t know him.
But the party was super fun!