Good News: when I wrote this post, I was fresh to grad school, Tucson, the USA, my house, modern appliances… I have settled into some kind of rhythm here. Yes, I still feel lost at[…]
Tag: Transition
T-Minus Guatemala (Peace Corps Ending): Despedida Lunch and Hiking a Volcano Through The Night (Never Again)
I moved out of site on Wednesday. The last hour was the most horrible, a weeping host family, heavy bags and an honorable Lic. Enrique (the educational superintendent) who picked me up in his red[…]
WATCHING AND WRINKLED. 10:32pm That Night: At the end of Day One in the Peace Corps AKA Staging, I ironed my teal shirt. In real life I don’t iron. But It’s my last night in America.[…]
Returning to Atlanta: First 48 Hours
This time, Going to Atlanta is Like Eating Change Breakfast. Have you ever eaten Change Breakfast? It’s When You Go to a Restaurant Because You Have to Eat And You Order Food Because That’s What You Do[…]
“This place is a vortex” Conversations in Alaska, 14 of 50
There’s a kid who works at the Doughnut shop/catch-all kiosk in the center of Salmon Landing, first floor. I think he’s there in the afternoons, as I scoot by with a cart full of salmonberry[…]