Nicole, a friend of a friend from home, was visiting Germany at the end of a three month European tour.
I was so happy to see her because she reminded me of my friend Emily from home (they are besties).
Also because I was myself just ending a European tour (in June) and I remember very distinctly how it felt.
But I also learned how much I love traveling with another person if it is the right person.
So here is a list of what indicates a good travel buddy and a great travel buddy experience:
Travel is like it’s own relationship, it’s also like sex. Each time is different but it is largely affected by who you are doing it with.
Good Travel Buddy:
Similar Sleep Schedules
Same basic code of ethics (steal things, cuss out someone who cuts you off, have sex in a bathroom?)
Similar Budgets
Similar types of particularities- what is a “nice” restaurant? what is a “disgusting” hostel?
Ability to communicate needs/conflict
Great Travel Buddy:
Similar approaches to travel:
Similar idea of a “night out”
Walk the city, ride a bus, take a cab? Museum, concert, lecture, pub? Dance, eat, drink, all of the above?
Similar Bladder Needs
Similar Hygiene Routine (how long do they take in the shower?) (To get ready in the morning)?
Similar Interests in music, movies, pop culture..
Great Travel Buddy and Friend:
Complementary abilities: ability to navigate, pick a restaurant,
Complementary resources: I have a fortified data plan, she has a charging port
Complementary Wardrobes and sharing policies:
At similar places in life (at a crossroads? impasse? On a roll? Rollercoaster? Content? Broken? Horny? Fledgling? Lost? Angry? Unhappy? Devastated? Tired? Grieving? Searching?)
Same walking pace (hallelujah!)